Optimization Services

Going live is only the beginning of the journey. As your requirements evolve, we will support you to improve and optimize your environment.

New Versions

Upgrading your windows and door software helps ensure that your business continuity is maintained and that there are no unnecessary failures. Preference releases major upgrades with new functionalities, current technology trends and advancements.
We will help you plan your migration, train your users, and minimize upgrade risks.

Engineering Data Optimization and Maintenance

Your engineering data and product gallery is a critical aspect of the windows and door software implementation. As you add new profile series or new hardware options, your business rules evolve and we implement new functions in the software, we can help your team in a variety of ways.

  • Implementing all or some of your new requirements.
  • Implementing regression tests and quality control strategies to ensure smooth engineering data updates.
  • Auditing your engineering data to verify that you are implementing our recommended best practices of new software versions.
  • Analyzing your products gallery to avoid overall performance impact.

Customer-Specific Development

As we understand that every business is unique, our applications can be adapted to the varied requirements of our customers.

Open SQL & API

We base our applications on an open SQL database. Our flexible options system, our internal macro language and our APIs allow customizing our applications to the needs of our most demanding customers. Do it yourself or let our experienced team help you.

Enterprise Integrations

We can integrate with your systems including ERP, CRM and accounting. Our service-based architecture facilitates migration to new versions.

Plan your Upgrades

Design your quality control process to ensure upgrades to new versions are done periodically and with minimum impact in your users.

Performance Optimization

Users may perceive some degradation in the performance of the environment as its complexity increases. Our experts have helped identify the causes in installations with hundreds of concurrent users and a variety of integrated third-party software. Our best practices and advanced technology isolate the production environment from the external tools to avoid performance degradation over time.

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